// "StartupMacros" // The macros and tools in this file ("StartupMacros.txt") are // automatically installed in the Plugins>Macros submenu and // in the toolbar when ImageJ starts up. // The "AutoRun" macro has been replaced by the Edit>Options>Startup command. // "IMS Tools" macro "ImsVIEW Action Tool - CddfF00ffC000T0c11IT4c11MTdc11S" { run("ImsVIEW "); } macro "Brightness/Contrast Action Tool - C037T0b09BT7b09&Tcb09C" { run("Brightness/Contrast..."); } macro "ROI Manager Action Tool - C037T0b09RT7b09OTfb09I" { run("ROI Manager..."); } macro "Z Project Action Tool - C037T0b09AT8b09vTdb09e" { run("Z Project..."); // run("Z Project...", "projection=[Average Intensity]"); } macro "Make Montage Action Tool - C037T0b09MT9b09oTeb09n" { run("Make Montage..."); } macro "Translate Action Tool - C037T0b09TT7b09rTcb09s" { run("Translate..."); } macro "imageCalculator Action Tool - C037T0b09CT8b09aTeb09l" { run("Image Calculator..."); } macro "Image Expression Parser Action Tool - C037T0b09ET7b09xTcb09p" { run("Image Expression Parser"); } var pmCmds = newMenu("Popup Menu", newArray("Help...", "Rename...", "Duplicate...", "Original Scale", "Paste Control...", "-", "Record...", "Capture Screen ", "Monitor Memory...", "List Commands...", "Control Panel...", "Startup Macros...", "Search...")); macro "Popup Menu" { cmd = getArgument(); if (cmd=="Help...") showMessage("About Popup Menu", "To customize this menu, edit the line that starts with\n\"var pmCmds\" in ImageJ/macros/StartupMacros.txt."); else run(cmd); } macro "-" {} //menu divider macro "About Startup Macros..." { path = getDirectory("macros")+"About Startup Macros"; if (!File.exists(path)) exit("\"About Startup Macros\" not found in ImageJ/macros/."); open(path); } // This example macro demonstrates how to create a // custom command with a keyboard shortcut. macro "Save As JPEG... [j]" { quality = call("ij.plugin.JpegWriter.getQuality"); quality = getNumber("JPEG quality (0-100):", quality); run("Input/Output...", "jpeg="+quality); saveAs("Jpeg"); }